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General Information


The library is open from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on regularly scheduled school days. Students can use the library before or after school, during their study hall, lunch period, or as part of a class.

Study Time and Lunch Information

Students must receive a pass from their Study Hall or regular classroom teacher to visit the library during the school day. Passes will not be accepted from EMMAUS classes. Those students who wish to use the library during lunch, must have a packaged lunch from home. Hot food, trays, or utensils from the Leadership Center will not be permitted. 

Checkout Procedures

Students must present a current Marian Catholic ID, with a correct bar code, to the circulation desk to check out any materials. Regular books may be checked out for three weeks. Books may be renewed for one additional checkout for another 3 week period. Some reference books may be checked out overnight. Reference books must be returned before first period the next day.


Fines for late materials are not charged at this time.


Wrubel Learning Center

Marian Catholic's learning center in the library is named in memory of Margaret Wrubel, whose estate created an endowed annual scholarship for a Catholic student at the school. The Wrubel Center serves as a valuable space for collaboration, study, special projects, activities, and meeting space for the Marian Catholic Community.